暄和「岛鸣海外 - GLOBAL DOMAIN」彩娱乐专线
若是你正在寻找一座巴西私东谈主岛屿,那么Little Pig Island就停止错过。
If you're in search of a private island in Brazil, Little Pig Island is an opportunity you won't want to miss.
Little Pig Island位于巴西里约热内卢州的安格拉杜斯雷斯地区。该岛距离大陆仅20分钟船程,而况岛上配备直升机停机坪,为寻求方便蹧跶旅行体验的买家提供更多吸收。
伸开剩余87%Little Pig Island is located in the Angra dos Reis region of Rio de Janeiro state. The island is just a 20-minute boat ride from the mainland and is equipped with a helipad, offering more options for buyers seeking a convenient and luxurious travel experience.
Situated in the Costa Verde region, the island is surrounded by over 350 islands of varying sizes, renowned for its crystal-clear waters and lush Atlantic coastal forests. This area is one of Brazil's most famous nature reserves and one of the most popular seaside vacation destinations in South America.
Little Pig Island占地17.3英亩,四周被知晓安稳的海水环绕,原始植被丰富。这里的舒心宜东谈主,全年合适帆海、潜水和其他水上行径。附进的安格拉杜斯雷斯地区也为住户提供了全面的生存配套做事,包括高端餐厅、游艇俱乐部和方便的买卖顺次。
Little Pig Island spans 17.3 acres and is surrounded by clear, calm waters with abundant native vegetation. The climate is pleasant彩娱乐专线, making it suitable for sailing, diving, and other water activities year-round. The nearby Angra dos Reis area also offers residents a full range of amenities, including upscale restaurants, yacht clubs, and convenient commercial facilities.
Little Pig Island的基础顺次王人全,尤其合适追求环保的买家。岛上仍是装置了60块太阳能板,充分运用当然动力,提供可执续的生存时势。此外,彩娱乐官网岛上领有两个船埠——一个固定船埠和一个浮动船埠,方便船只停靠。岛内的自然泳池和高尔夫球车车库进一步增强了岛屿的惬意性和便利性。
Little Pig Island boasts modern infrastructure, making it particularly appealing to eco-conscious buyers. The island is equipped with 60 solar panels, harnessing natural energy for sustainable living. It also features two docks—a fixed pier and a floating dock—for easy boat access. A natural swimming pool and a golf cart garage further enhance the island's comfort and convenience.
The existing structures include a 753-square-foot residence, thoughtfully designed to cater to everyday needs. The house features an integrated living room and kitchen, two bedrooms, and a bathroom, ensuring a cozy and functional living space.
Its abundant vegetation and partially undeveloped land create ample opportunities to build a luxury resort or private estate. With robust infrastructure already in place, the island is primed for future development. As a rare and private haven, it offers buyers the unique chance to enjoy the beauty of nature while indulging in luxury.
Little Pig Island不仅是一个绝佳的当然隐居地,还提供了丰富的拓荒可能性。该岛现在正在出售中,售价为2500万巴西雷亚尔,约合420万好意思元。如有有趣,原谅私信推敲(微信号:GD-Karen)。
Little Pig Island is not only a perfect natural retreat but also offers significant development potential. The island is currently on the market for 25 million Brazilian Reais, approximately USD 4.2 million. If you’re interested, feel free to reach out for more information (WeChat: GD-Karen).
Thank you for your time. Until next time!
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