彩娱乐注册CLY588.VIP 汇舸环保到手请托船用尿素液制造安装


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彩娱乐注册CLY588.VIP 汇舸环保到手请托船用尿素液制造安装

发布日期:2024-03-26 01:21    点击次数:95


2024 年底,汇舸环保自主研发制造的船用尿素液制造安装,到手请托位于日本今治的浅川船坞。成就举座性能贪图达到海外超过水平,分娩的尿素液家具,十足幽闲 ISO 18611-1:2014 船用氮氧化物复兴剂的质地特质,即浓度为 40%的尿素液(AUS 40)。

据统计 2008 年,公共海运船舶的欺侮物排放量占 NOx 和 SOx 排放总量的 18%-30%和 9%。因此,海外海事组织(IMO)推出了可谓史上最严苛的 IMO Tier III 排放程序,其条件与 Tier II 程序比较,2 / 4稳健 Tier III 程序的发动机的氮氧化物排放量须减少近 76%。而刻下稳健 IMO NOx Tier III 排放程序限值的现存技能包括:取舍性催化复兴 SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction)系统、废气再轮回安装 EGR(Exhaust Gas Recirculation)、替代燃料等。SCR 技能是镌汰 NOx 排放较为有用的阶梯之一, 可有用脱硝 70–90%以上。

SCR 技能是指在催化剂(肤浅使用催化剂是 V2O5/TiO2)的作用下,愚弄复兴剂(如 NH3、液氨、尿素)来“有取舍性”地与烟气中的 NOx响应并生成无毒无欺侮的 N2 和 H2O。

因此遴荐 SCR 技能的船舶必须补充和储存尿素液。然而,尿素液的采购本钱和运载本钱高于颗粒尿素,并且尿素液的储存时分有限,制造商提出自分娩之日起有用期频频为 6 到 18 个月(与储存温度关连)。

AUS40 尿素液可采购的口岸有限,必须无数购买储存,而未使用的残留尿素液则很可能落伍,恒久储存后如若使用前要素测试成果隔离格,必须进行消灭处罚,或在 III 级弃世区域外强制浮滥。另外,好多口岸不回收 IBC 程序的尿素液包装容器,消灭本钱很高。


针对上述问题,通过采选归并各方的安装和操作提出,汇舸环保自主研发想象了 CGT 系列尿素液制造安装。用船舶造水机分娩的纯水按配比加入定量的尿素颗粒后,在搅动罐内充分搅动,同期对搅动罐夹套内的加热用淡水进行加热,加速和确保尿素颗粒透彻融化。同期罐体增多排气口,按需引管到打开船面,使得尿素液制造地点的环境可视为零欺侮,确保了尿素液 AUS4O 分娩的安全性和高质地。


在船用 AUS40 尿素液制造安装基础上,汇舸环保也已到手研发了陆用 AUS32 尿素液制造安装,概括了纯水制造和尿素液定量加注安装的样式,幽闲陆岸上重载卡车的尿素液需求,以城市用水输入,AUS40/AUS32 输出的模式,幽闲市集需求。

Name of invention:

A type of marine urea solution preparation equipment and its preparation method.

The product was authorized the invention patent by the State Intellectual Property Office of the People’s Republic of China on 6th Aug, 24.

Patent number: 202410307628.X

At the end of 24, Marine Urea solution production plant were successfully delivered to Asakawa Shipyard in Imabari, Japan. it was independently developed and manufactured by ContiOcean . The performance of the equipment has reached the international leading level, and the production of urea solution meet the quality characteristics of ISO 18611-1:2014--Marine NOX reduction agent AUS40- aqueous urea solution at 40 % concentration (AUS 40).

According to statistics, in 2008, the pollutant emissions of global maritime vessels accounted for 18%-30% and 9% of the total NOx and SOx emissions. As a result, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has introduced the most stringent IMO Tier III emissions standards in history, requiring a nearly 76% reduction in NOx emissions from Tier III-compliant engines compared to Tier II standards. Existing technologies that meet IMO NOx Tier III emission limits include: Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system, Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR), alternative fuels, etc. SCR technology is one of the more effective methods to reduce NOx emissions, It can effectively remove more than 70-90% of the nitrate.

SCR technology refers to the use of reducing agents (such as NH3, liquid ammonia, urea) to "selectively" react with NOx in flue gas and generate non-toxic and pollution-free N2 and H2O under the action of a catalyst (widely used catalyst is V2O5/TiO2).

Therefore, ships adopt SCR technology must replenish and storage urea solution. But the procurement cost and transportation cost of urea solution are higher than that of urea granules, and the storage time of urea solution is limited, and the manufacturer recommends an expiration date from the date of production: Usually 6 to 18 months (depending on storage temperature).

AUS40 urea solution can be purchased from a limited number of ports, so must be purchased in bulk for storage, but unused residual urea solution is likely to expire, and If the composition test results fail before use after long-term storage, it must be disposed of or forced consumption outside a Level III restricted area. In addition, many ports do not recycle IBC standard urea solution packaging containers, and the cost of abandonment is high.


At present, the urea solution production plant used on ships generally has problems, such as incomplete dissolution of urea granules, feeding trouble, and engine room environmental pollution of by gas overflow during manufacturing.

In view of the above problems, ContiOcean independently developed and designed the CGT series urea solution production plant, by adopting the installation and operation suggestions of various parties. Quantitative urea granules are added to the pure water produced by the ship's water generator according to the ratio, and are fully stirred in the mixing tank, while jacketed heating is used to speed up and ensure the complete dissolution of urea granules. At the same time, an exhaust port is added to the tank, and the pipe is led to the open deck as needed, so that the environment of the urea solution production plant site can be regarded as zero pollution. Ensure the safety and high quality of AUS4O production of urea solution.

At present, urea solution production plant of various specifications and models have been highly recognized in domestic and overseas markets, especially in Japan and South Korea, and have achieved good sales performance.

On the basis of the Marine AUS40 urea solution production plant彩娱乐注册CLY588.VIP, Contiocean has also successfully developed AUS32 for vehicles, which integrates the form of pure water generator and urea solution quantitative filling device, the urban water input, AUS40/AUS32 output mode, to meet the market demand.

上一篇:彩娱乐注册CLY588.VIP 4个被“强制停播”的综艺节目, 深扒确切原因, 莫得一个被冤枉的


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